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'The Hunger Strike as a Biopolitical Technology: Re-Reading the 1981 Irish Republican Prison Protest'

forthcoming in Cultural Studies, Online First (here)

'From Normative Foundations to Emancipatory Futures: A Conversation about Critical Theory Today'

with Amy Allen, Lois McNay, and Emily Dyson, forthcoming in Journal of Political Power

'Racism, Epistemic Injustice, and Ideology Critique'

in Philosophy & Social Criticism, Online First (here)

'The Politics of White Misrecognition and Practices of Racial Inequality'

in D. Celentano and L. Caranti, eds. Paradigms of Justice: Redistribution, Recognition, and Beyond (Abingdon, U.K.: Routledge, 2021), 184-209.

In Progress

Frantz Fanon and the Diagnosis of Racial Pathologies

Monograph in preparation

'Revitalizing the Materialist Conception of Ideology: Notes from Stuart Hall'

in preparation for American Political Science Review

'Theorizing Racial Capitalism in (Post)Imperial Europe'

with Ida Danewid, in preparation for South Atlantic Quarterly

'Frantz Fanon and Social Pathology Critique'

in preparation for Political Theory

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